The Climate Change Scenario Viewer for Adaptecca appeared on the Spanish National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A few days ago, the draft of the Spanish National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation: the fundamental instrument for planification that will, for the next 10 years, promote the coordinated action against climate change effects in Spain. We were very proud to see the Climate Change Scenario Viewer we developed for Adaptecca highlighted among the figures of the Plan.

Back when we developed this Scenarios Viewer for Adaptecca, our aim was to help users visualise in a clear way how different climate variables can change in the future, depending on various climate change scenarios. We also wanted for this visor to be an accessible source of information for everyone that is working on climate change mitigation and adaptation: from research projects and companies, to policy-makers. Since its launch, that had a very warm welcome, we have seen how the number of users has grown. And certainly this appearance on the National Plan is a good indicative that the tool is helping us better visualise the changes that await society in the near, medium and far future... and how we can adapt to it.